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Speechwriting: A Professional Step by Step Guide for Executives Издательство: Executive Speaker, 1989 г Мягкая обложка ISBN 0-93025-501-1 инфо 8207b.

Speechwriting: A Professional Step by Step Guide for Executives Издательство: Executive Speaker, 1989 г Мягкая обложка ISBN 0-93025-501-1 инфо 8207b.

This is a simply written book on writing a speech It is short and easy to read It includes large margins for adding personal notes for later reference The book is primarily written for new speechwriters butатффж is a great refresher for seasoned speechwriters McCarthy has divided the book into two parts - planning and writing He states it is necessary to start with good planning rather than jump right into writing Following his easy steps will make any speech or oral preseбгспкntation much easier It should be in the personal library of any leader or future leader Автор Edward H McCarthy.