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The Flak: A PR Journey Издательство: Vidalia House Publishing, 2003 г Суперобложка, 394 стр ISBN 9-66788-901-7 инфо 8150b.

The Flak: A PR Journey Издательство: Vidalia House Publishing, 2003 г Суперобложка, 394 стр ISBN 9-66788-901-7 инфо 8150b.

I read Mike's book and was entertained throughout Willard is a first-rate story teller and a compelling writer Harold Burson PRWeek's PR Man of the Century * * * A fascinating career in PRas enjoyable атчякas a novel with more practical advice than most PR textbooks John Guiniven PhD, SI Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University * * * Mike's "confessions" on the practice of public relations does for PR what David Ogilvy's book "Confeбгфещssions of an Ad Man" did for advertising It clearly explains the power and value of public relations like it has never been explained before Long live the true flaks Ray Gaulke Former president and chief operating officer of the Public Relations' Society of America * * * People who report and write for newspapers and wire services, as Mike Willard and I did, are often wary of those of us who cash in and become public-relations pushers, as Mike Willard did But in his absorbiбонуеng book "The Flak", Willard demonstrates, in the likes of West Virginia, Washington, DC, and the former Soviet Union, that PR can be a force for good Lewis Lord Contributing Editor, US News & World Report Автор J Michael Willard.