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Now, Discover Your Strengths: How to Develop Your Talents and Those of the People You Manage Издательство: Gardners Books, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 0743207661 инфо 8098b.

Now, Discover Your Strengths: How to Develop Your Talents and Those of the People You Manage Издательство: Gardners Books, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 0743207661 инфо 8098b.

Unfortunately, most of us have little sense of our talents and strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around them Instead, guided by our parents, by our teachers, by our managers and by psychologатчэщy's fascination with the origin of disease, we become experts in our weaknesses and spend our lives trying to repair these flaws, while our strengths lie dormant and neglected Marcus Buckingham, co-author of the international bestseller, "First, Break All the Ruбгфджles", and Donald OClifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Centre, have created a revolutionary programme to help readers identify their talents, build them into strengths, and enjoy consistent, near-perfect performance At the heart of the book is the Internet-based StrengthsFinder(r) Profile, the product of a 25-year, multi-million pound effort to identify the most prevalent human strengths The programme introduces 34 dominant "themes" witбонтсh thousands of possible combinations, and reveals how they can best be translated into personal and career success In developing this programme, Gallup has conducted psychological profiles with over two million individuals to help you learn how to focus and perfect these themes So how does it work? Each book contains a unique identification number that allows you access to the StrengthsFinder(r) Profile on the Internet This Web-based interview analyses your instinctive reactions and immediately presents you with your five most powerful themes Once you know which of the 34 themes - such as Achiever, Activator, Empathy, Futuristic, or Strategic - you lead with, the book will show you how to leverage them for powerful results at three levels: for your own development, for your success as a manager, and for the success of the organisation With accessible and profound insights on how to turn talents into strengths, and with the immediate on-line feedback of StrengthsFinderбсьив(r) at its core, Now, Discover Your Strengths is one of the most ground-breaking and useful business books ever written Авторы Дональд О Клифтон Donald O Clifton Маркус Бэкингем Marcus Buckingham На протяжении 20 лет занимался в Институте Гэллапа изучением особенностей выдающихся руководителей, менеджеров и компаний, активно продвигает и развивает концепцию использования сильных сторон личности Автор книг «Заставьте свои сильные стороны .