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Essentials of Negotiation Издательство: McGraw-Hill, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 312 стр ISBN 978-007-125427-4, 007-125427-7 Язык: Английский инфо 8083b.

Essentials of Negotiation Издательство: McGraw-Hill, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 312 стр ISBN 978-007-125427-4, 007-125427-7 Язык: Английский инфо 8083b.

Lewicki, Saunders, Barry, and Minton's Negotiation is the standard text for the negotiation/labor relations course Essentials of Negotiations, 3 edition distills this classic down to a brief nine chapters, exатфряploring the major theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation, as well as the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict resolution Essentials of Negotiation is the only text of its kind to include supplements Both students and instructors will bбгсляenefit from a content-rich Website, while instructors can look to the Instructor's CD-ROM for an Instructor's Manual, Test Bank, and PowerPoint® presentations Essentials of Negotiation is brief and inexpensive enough to fit nearly any learning environment, from full courses to short seminars and training sessions Essentials of Negotiation makes for a great package when combined with the authors' Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases This complementary text provides a great бомчьway to introduce experiential cases and exercises that mirror the topics and organization presented in the Essentials of Negotiation text Third edition Авторы Рой Дж Левицки Roy J Lewicki Рой Дж Левицки - почетный профессор и профессор менеджмента и управления персоналом в Max M Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University Профессор Левицки получил степень бакалавра психологии в Dartmouth College и степень доктора социальной Bruce Barry John W Minton.