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S U R E -Fire Direct Response Marketing : Managing Business-to-Business Sales Leads for Bottom-Line Success Издательство: McGraw-Hill, 2001 г Твердый переплет, 304 стр ISBN 0658006223 инфо 8025b.

S U R E -Fire Direct Response Marketing : Managing Business-to-Business Sales Leads for Bottom-Line Success Издательство: McGraw-Hill, 2001 г Твердый переплет, 304 стр ISBN 0658006223 инфо 8025b.

SURE-Fire Direct Response Advertising delivers a proven, effective program for boosting business-to-business direct advertising response rates and converting sales leads into a steady stream of revenue Reатфойaders are guided through the steps of the acclaimed SURE-Fire program, which include strategic planning, marketing research, developing customer relationships, recognizing sales opportunities, and executing a sales lead campaign 1 edition Автор Рассел М Керн бгсйрRussel M Kern.